Friday, November 5, 2010


I had a flex day today. In the six weeks I've been doing my new job I've managed to build up 19 flex hours, so my manager said 'you'd better take a day off!'. I didn't take much convincing!

At the moment, I'm doing 3 people's jobs, so it's not unbelievable that I have been working past my 7 hours and 21 minutes each day. Not that I mind - I'm still loving the job very much.

It was definitely nice having a day off without having to call in sick. It also happened to coincide with an assembly at Oliver's school, so I had a nice walk, went and watched my boy sing a bit (and wipe his nose on his shirt a couple of times) and then came back and did some sorting in my 'study'.

I got rid of a heap of teaching stuff that I haven't used in a while ever, and made it a bit more comfy for sitting and blogging in (among other things).

The cupboard in the corner is the one I put all of Sam's stuff into (and on top of). The Elmo, purple guy and the stuffed dog were all Sam's, and the Pooh Bear toy was Oli's first 'Santa' gift.
You can just see the top of the recliner I've jammed in here (the blanket on the back of it was also Sam's) and some of my school stuff. The cute rabbit picture is one my mum did with cross stitch.

This is more of my school stuff and stationery. Plus some of my landscapes. Not ones I painted, but ones I've bought. I love a good landscape painting. Especially one with water in it.

This is my lovely iMac on my desk, with the backyard out the window.
It's a little cramped, but it's ALL MINE!

I love having somewhere to go and hang and know that no one else can mess it up or dump stuff in it (only me!)

All in all, a good flex day. :)

1 comment:

  1. A day at home by yourself to do what you want to do and not what you have to do - my idea of heaven. Sue E.


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