Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Airport Smooshiness

luggage-airport series
Picture from here
My mum and dad came back from overseas today (I've missed them a lot, but that's another story!), so I took the morning off to pick them up from the airport.

As a dedicated people watcher, I particularly like airports. More specifically the arrivals area of airports. Perhaps the cold and sterile arrivals lounge at Canberra airport is not the most welcoming and comfortable place, but it's still possible to witness some nice moments.

I think the airport is where you can really tell a lot about a person, and their relationship with the person they are waiting for. I saw a whole range of relationships today.

There was the guy that watched the stairs fairly closely but totally missed the person they were waiting for, who got all the way up to standing in front of him before he noticed. Cute. I don't think they were lovers though, because there was no embrace, barely even a hello.

There was the lady with the baby that had the him swept from her arms as soon as she walked through the door, then endured kisses from everyone. She didn't look like she enjoyed it so much.

There was the girl with the bright pink hair and big black boots that gave her grandmother a big, happy hug.

And then there was my favourite, the was the guy who was absolutely delighted to see his girlfriend, sweeping her into a huge hug and smiling from ear to ear. he couldn't stop smiling and barely left her side for a moment. So sweet.

All in about 10 minutes. I think the airport might be a good place to go when I'm feeling down, 'cause if I don't get a laugh, I'm sure to see something that warms my heart.

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