Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekend Rewind

I know, I know, two posts in one day again! But weekends are when I get some time to post. I am now scheduling my posts too (my swimming one from Tuesday was also written last weekend, but I decided I wanted to give my wonderful readers midweek fare too).

But I digress. Allison over at Life in a Pink Fibro hosts a Weekend Rewind each Saturday and invites us to dig up an old post. Now of course this blog is only a year or so old, so there aren't many old ones, but as she asked us for a post from May, I thought I could manage that.

May last year was when times were still pretty tough around here. I had faced my first Mother's Day without Sam, and was really starting to feel the stress of teaching. As you know, I faced depression and made many life-changing decisions in the months that followed.

But the one I thought I'd share is a little more light-hearted. I'm surprised I could find one!
If you'd like to read about my domestic failings, please feel free to rewind: Dull Women Have Immaculate Houses.

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